Defensive Driving is everyday life, which helps individuals to navigate the roads with increased safety and confidence. Aimed at those who drive as part of their work responsibilities, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of road risks, defensive driving techniques and strategies to cultivate a positive driving attitude. This course goes beyond mere technical skills, delving into the psychology of driving behaviours and their influence on road safety operations. Steering, Seat position and much more. Our expertise can help take your business to the next level. With Defensive Driving, your employees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle challenging driving situations effectively, ensuring a safer and more efficient work environment on the road.
Prepare the vehicle
Planning and space awareness
Recognising potential risks and hazards
Identify and mitigate factors that increase road risk
Safely navigate various roads types and conditions
Demonstrate safe parking manoeuvres
Demonstrate positive driving behaviour that reduces the risk of accidents and injuries.
At global driver training solutions , we take a holistic approach to consulting. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and challenges, and develop solutions that address their specific needs. Our approach is collaborative, transparent, and results-driven.
1. Defensive driving
(Hostile Environment Awareness Training)
3. Off-Road Training (LANTRA)
4. Banksman Training
5. On-Road Training
6. Motorbike
7. Trailer Training
8. LGV – Heavy Training
9. PCV-Bus Training
10. First Aid
11. Levelled Accredited Courses
12. Train the Trainer
13. Fleet management
14. Bespoke Training - Safe Awareness
Global Driver Training Solutions Ltd Company House : 15558092
UKPRN : 10095298
D-U-N-S Number Global Driver Training Solutions 231949451
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Tutum Incessus - Safe Driving